Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 3 Reading Part B: Aesop's Fables

Continued is my reading notes over Aesop's Fables. My goal for part B of this reading is to identify a moral or two to incorporate in a storytelling for this week. Below are my reading notes:

Wikipedia: Wolf and Crane, Wolf and Lamb
  • The story of two pots reminds me of the person who trusts everyone versus someone who trusts no one. This reminds me of the quote that it is equally a crime to trust no man as all men. This intrigues my interest as a possible moral.
  • The story of the oak and the reed is another good fable of how pride and boastfulness is not always the path to success. As the little reed was left standing in the wind storm.
  • The Ax and the trees reminds me of the story of the Wolf and the crane. Its moral shows how kindness can be misrepresented as weakness or foolishness and should be given out upon good judgement. This is definitely a candidate for my next storytelling theme.
  • The eagle and the arrow is a story that portrays a sense of irony to me. It is ironic how the eagle dies from a weapon used from feathers of his kind. This will also be a neat literary element I can include in my story.
  • The nurse and the wolf story was the first story about the wolf which I have seen that the wolf doesn't come out on top. In addition, it seems to be a theme that the wolf is always the portrayed negative character in all of the stories. Another interesting theme to which I could include in my story.
Thanks for reading.

Bibliography:  Aesop's Fables by Stickney

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