Sunday, September 25, 2016

Famous Last Words: Heating Up

This week was an average writing week for me as compared to last week. I felt as if the plot in my most recent story "Sinbad's Journey" was not as good as my last.. On the other hand, I am looking forward to starting a new type story unit. I was not the biggest fan of the Arabian Nights stories. One of the reasons was just because there were some interesting points that were not thoroughly explained. Areas of the plot that I thought were going to develop simply puttered out in one or two sentences. I began writing down some ideas on my whiteboard for all of the scenarios that could have made these stories take a different turn. My hopes are that our next reading unit will be a little easier to follow and that the main plot will seem more logical. In addition, I am hoping to find really good content for next week's storytelling assignment.

How I felt reading the past two weeks' stories (flickr)

In my other classes things have started to heat up. As I saw in one of my other petroleum engineering friend's post, "We're in the eye of the storm" so to speak. I have two tests coming up on Monday and Tuesday. The first being probably easier than the second however that professor is more unpredictable as to content. I also helped my lab group finish up a lab report this weekend in which I was a main contributor on data and editing. My writing skills that have developed in this class have helped me become more inept to spot grammatical errors in other classes. I am looking forward to what I continue to improve on and I hope to improve my writing. My goal is to write something very well the first time, so I don't have to spend so much time revising it. I also want to continue to expand my knowledge and experience of different writing styles. I haven’t yet ventured into a super creative or different approach however I am willing to give it a shot.

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