Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Voyages of Sinbad Part B

I selected to read The Voyages of Sinbad from the source:The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898). For one I was interested to this because of reading the Odyssey, but also I read another passage from this source last week that was very interesting. Below are my reading notes for part B:

  • There is an element of Karma which happened to Sinbad's crew when the ate the roc's egg. I have not yet had a theme where the consequences showed in one of my stories, however I am intrigued at the possibilities it may hold.
  • The old man seems to be a trained hustler in tricking Sinbad into thinking he is old and weak. His escape is similar to Odysseus since he is able to use the wine to get the old man off his back.
  • Each time he travels among these voyages he becomes more and more lucky to return home and sort of admits it when beginning the sixth voyage.
  • I am a fan of the more realistic circumstances that have arrived when Sinbad is captured and sold into slavery.
  • Each time Sinbad comes into good fortune it seems that he always remembers to take care of the poor or give some away. I wonder if this possibly explains the luck of his travels and returning home each time.

Voyage of Sinbad: (illustration by Rene Bull)

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