Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Notes: Arabian Night's Part A

For this week I've decided to read  The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).. The notes below will cover Part A:

  • The story starts right off into the plot which causes the reader to scramble for a bit to grasp what is going on. I like this abruptness style to storytelling.
  • I like how clever Scheherazade is in her quest to end the evil deed which Sultan does each day to his new wives. In addition, Sultan is forced into granting her wishes which is a character ploy I would like to include in my story.
  • At the end of each story Scheherazade tells she introduces a new character to tell the story. In addition, a genie appears in one of the stories to grant wishes. In which, her story that she tells is a direct reflection of the situation shes in. It's like story inception!
  • She almost begins to taunt Sultan with her story as it goes on. I like again the deception and indirect character manipulation throughout the story.
  • When Scheherazade wants to live longer her get out card is to intrigue Sultan with the thought of another story even though she can't remember the rest of the other story. However, now as she tells the story she directly addresses Sultan. This ploy evolves the impact of how the story develops and ultimately acts as a tool to hypnotize Sultan to do what Scheherazade wants.
(Persian miniature: a polo match)

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