Monday, September 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Brer Rabbit Part A

Br'er Rabbit and Tar-Baby.jpg
Brer Rabbit

This week I have decided to read Brer Rabbit by Joel Chandler Harris. I actually chose this reading based on a friend's suggestion so I am excited to see what it is about. This post will cover part A.

  • I like that this story has a strong southern atmosphere. 
  • The accents in the story make it hard to read but adds a lot to the character development. 
  • I also like that the story is based on animals
  • The brer rabbit reminds me of the rabbit from alice and wonderland because it wears clothes and a top hat. 
  • I find it interesting that the rabbit is the sly/tricky one in this story. I feel like rabbits are normally seen as helpless or adorable. 
  • Overall, this portion of the story has a good underlying theme of anger management and I am looking forward to part B
Thanks for reading. 

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