Thursday, September 1, 2016

Feedback Thoughts

My favorite article was Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset. I like the idea of giving feedback which promotes opening the brain to a new dimension of thinking. I myself have trouble sometimes taking constructive criticism but I feel that when I think about it in terms of growth mindset it changes my acceptance. The best way that I've improved my acceptance of feedback is through working jobs. At each place I've worked I received feedback in many different ways and forms. And the one thing I realized was that every piece of feedback is at your discretion to accept or reject. Therefore, looking at it in a sense of it's up to me to choose how I accept then it means I should never take feedback personally, rather just use good judgement on the context and purpose of the feedback. Thanks for reading.

Image result for constructive criticism image
Wikimedia: Business Feedback Loop

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