Monday, August 22, 2016

Comment Wall

Please give any feedback or comments here! Thanks!


  1. I just wanted to stop by because I saw your little About Me spot. I love Happy Gilmore. That movie is hilarious. I really enjoy watching older Adam Sandler movies. Another one of my all time favorites of his is Mr. Deeds. I grew up watching that movie and have watched it countless times. I still crack up every time I watch it too. So, I just wanted to say hey and commend you on your excellent movie taste!

  2. Hey Tyler! I read your portfolio and let me just say you are a talented writer. One of the stories I really liked was the latest one, The Voyages of Sinbad. I have not read the original story but I have read other people's retellings of them on their blogs.From what I gather from others who retold the Sinbad story, they (and I) agree with what you wrote in your author's note. We do not like that there was not an explanation about why Sinbad just happened to have the unfortunate ending. I am glad that you added the explanation and I am sure other people are too. I liked the way you blended this story to make it your own but still stay true to the original story, like adding a moral to the story. Additions like that really make the main character relatable. You did a great job!
