Monday, August 29, 2016

Reading Notes Part A: Homer's Odyssey

For my first reading I chose to read Homer's Odyssey. Below are some of the more interesting ideas that I thought I might be able to incorporate in my storytelling this week.

  • The land of the cyclops grows crops without any work being performed on it.
    • I think it would be neat to do the reverse and show how hard the cyclops work to protect their land, crops, and of course their goats.
  • The word wine comes in at least 7 or 8 times in the story of Prisoner's of the Cyclops.
    • I think it would be interesting to replace the word with another certain piece for the story as it seems as if the original author really wanted to emphasize this point.
  • This wine comes in handy for tricking the cyclops and I would like to use a different object for a similar task in my future writing.
  • Odysseus almost counts his chickens before they hatch when boasting back to the cyclops as they sailed away. I found this to be an interesting note of how he almost pushed his limit of luck.
  • Lastly, I enjoyed how Odysseus was able to escape to very different traps through wits and luck.
(Odysseus and Polyphemus, by Bocklin)
Bibliography: Homer's Odyssey, translated into English by Tony Kline. (2004).

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